The following health and safety document risk assessment for the EYE INJURIES will help you how to assess the EYE-related INJURIES and other health issues and their control measures.

Identified Hazards

Eye Injuries

Hazard Control Measures

  1. Safety goggles are to be worn when removing the suspended ceiling to avoid eye injury. 
  2. Safety goggles are to be worn where you have got the possibility and excessive hazard of eye injuries (for MEP/Cleaning technicians)
  3. Always check and observe the hazardous situation and possibility of flying or any other objects that can harm your eyesight (particularly for the technicians while performing their tasks for MEP on the roof wherein they ought to smooth the vicinity of tree branches or different such items)
  4. Use high impact resistant goggles when the usage of abrasive wheels; 
  5. When cutting timber eye protection is to be worn to save wooden dirt from coming into the eyes;
  6. If eye safety is to be worn then it should be well suited with every other PPE being worn;
  7. If eye protection is to be worn with RPE then they must be compatible. If misting or fogging occurs then stop works and clean lenses and assess whether the RPE is fitting around the bridge of the nose correctly; 
  8. Control your paintings vicinity especially if there's a danger to others from projecting cloth;
  9. Eyewash is to be had on the worksite if there may be a threat present of dirt entering the eyes.