The under discussion occupational health safety and environmental document "Risk Assessment for Installation / Replacing Of Light Fittings" is in an editable and ready-to-use format. just click on the download link given at the end of these points. QHSEDOCS is a totally free source of health and safety documents downloads:
- Falling objects/ materials
- Falls from height
- Exposure to contents of broken fluorescent lamps
- Operatives may be injured from falling objects and from falling from a height
- Operatives or others-danger from contact with contents of broken fluorescent lamps.
Control Measures
- Planning to take place before work commencing to provide suitable access equipment for the duration of the task.
- Operatives are to be instructed in the correct type of access equipment to be used for each task.
- Power supply to be isolated and locked off where possible.
- Lamps must be kept whole where possible to avoid prevent the escape of contents and the danger of broken glass.
- Any fluorescent lamps to be disposed of as hazardous waste with the local authority contacted for advice on methods of disposal.
- Others not involved in the activity to be kept away from installation replacement area/s