New Parenthood and the Happiness Factor

Happiness Factor for the New Parenthood

This short article is written for the new parents' awareness and guidance by HSE Documents.
When I became a new parent, I thought it was going to be the most magical time of my life. It turned out, however, that it was a lot different than I’d imagined. The lack of sleep, the sense of isolation, and the fact that everything was a major production, all made new parenthood difficult.

There’s been a lot of press coverage lately about a recent study on new parents and their levels of happiness. According to the study, “Happiness: Before and After the Kids,” published by Mikko Myrskylä and Rachel Margolis, “For mothers and fathers in Germany, the drop in lifestyles pride throughout the 12 months following the primary delivery is even large than that as a result of unemployment, divorce or the dying of a companion.” I can take into account that study up to some extent. Yes, new parents have unrealistic expectations. But, if you get divorced or are fired, you will most likely have a support network. When you have a kid and you’re unhappy, you might get some support, but not the same kind.

In a TIME Magazine, interview, Myrskylä said, “We don’t ask parents about happiness with relationship to parenthood, because there is a strong implicit pressure to be happy. If I go and inquire a new parent such types of questions, they feel a pressure to put a positive image of what a new parent is ‘supposed’ to feel.”
New Parenthood and the Happiness Factor 

What can new parents do to make sure they don’t get overwhelmed? Here are my top three tips:

A. Acknowledge to yourself and your partner that parts of being a new parent are not going to be great.
B. Accept help when it’s offered.
C. Get as much sleep as you can, when you can.

Don’t worry, though. The good news is the same authors found that despite feeling unhappiness after the first birth of a baby, having up to two children increases overall happiness in life. 

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