The under-discussion HSE document written and uploaded by the QHSE Documents is for Health and Safety Induction, Procedure for all concerned contractors, sub-contractors, 3rd  Parties Operatives, Staff, and Visitors, for their first site visit.



This procedure sets out the arrangements for providing health and safety information on hazards, risks, and control measures at all levels of the workforce to raise standards of competence and improve behavioural attitudes and safety culture thereby reducing accidents and ill health.


The following health and safety detailed information must be delivered to all contractors, subcontractors, 3rd parties, operatives, staff, and visitors, at the first site induction accordingly.

Project details and facilities

  1. The scope of the project
  2. The work site and project related various useful and mandatory details such as a correct address, mobile number, etc.
  3. Worksite/project area layout, all designated traffic routes, site area boundaries, and security mechanisms, informative and guidance notice boards
  4. Welfare on-site – canteen, toilet, drying room/seating etc.
  5. Telephone facilities, payphone location etc.
  6. Authorization
  7. Authority and important members of the site management team.
  8. The Safety Advisor/Representative
  9. Other competence requirements

Accidents and Emergencies

  1. Proper and prompt actions in the event of an unwanted and unexpected accident and reporting procedures accordingly
  2. Various key information for the emergency such as name and details of first aiders and first aid facilities/location at the worksite
  3. Fire precautions on site and the actions in the event of an emergency, including escape routes, assembly points and instruction in the safe use of any firefighting equipment
  4. Proper procedure and arrangements for reporting unsafe acts, unsafe conditions, near misses and safety violations

Site Rules

  1. Site procedures e.g., permit to work, hearing protection zones, restricted areas etc.
  2. Personal responsibilities
  3. Conduct and disciplinary measures
  4. Smoking restrictions
  5. Drugs and alcohol policy
  6. Strict Action and restrictions on the use of mobile phones during the working hours
  7. Site rules and specific company requirements
  8. Housekeeping arrangements and materials storage
  9. Environmental issues – watercourses, noise, dust, re-fueling
  10. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) needed and how to use it


  1. Various methods of consultation, coordination, and communication:
  2. Methodology Statement
  3. Pre-Task briefings
  4. Toolbox talks
  5. Daily task briefings
  6. Open discussion etc.

Specific Risks

  1. And worksite risks arising from, as described in the following:
  2. Contaminated land
  3. Electricity (Overhead lines and buried electrical installation)
  4. Gas
  5. Confined spaces
  6. Use of electricity
  7. Substances hazardous to health
  8. Health hazards such as extreme noise, severe vibration, ACM etc.
  9. Manual handling
  10. Proper erecting, inspection, Safe use of scaffolding & ‘Scaffold tag’ system
  11. Use of dedicated pedestrian segregation routes


  1. Record the names of people receiving the induction talks in the Site Safety Induction Log.
  2. All visitors must sign the site Induction Record which should be kept in the worksite visitors’ register, for the confirmation of their induction and the receipt of a documented copy, HSE induction card, helmet sticker etc.
  3. The person giving the talk must confirm with signs of the record.
  4. All personnel who are coming or going outside must sign the HSE induction register to confirm that they have gotten HSE induction training.
  5. Proper and authentic records of each member of the team such as certificates and internal & external training in the training record registers.
  6. The office staff, workers, 3rd party suppliers, and general visitors should be given proper safety induction and all related and useful information in conjunction with local arrangements.

Toolbox Talks

  1. A toolbox talk, relevant to the task to be undertaken or equipment to be used, identifying physical safety and health hazards should be given as part of the induction.
  2. Toolbox talks must be given by site management as part of a general safety awareness program.
  3. One talk a week is the minimum requirement. This can count towards an individual’s annual safety training update if appropriate. 
  4. Daily task briefings are also to be delivered by the Supervisors to operatives under their control.
  5. Encourage Subcontractors to conduct their talks.
  6. All toolbox talks are to be documented in the attendance log register.


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