To download the "Risk Assessment For Fireworks Displays " editable in Word format, click on the link given at the end of these lines. to download more health and safety documents, visit the site at "QHSE DOCUMENTS" where you can download total free HSE content. 

 Hazard / Risk

1. Injury caused by fireworks' Inadequate space

  • Spectators use fireworks
  • Unauthorized use of display fireworks

How can the hazards cause harm?

  • Property damage/fire
  • Burns
  • Cuts/abrasions, and other physical injuries

Control Measures

  • 50m x 25m space has been allowed for the firing area.
  • A dropping zone for spent fireworks of 100m x 50m is in place in a downwind direction (check the weather conditions)
  • The Crowd or gathering is to be kept back on the opposite side from the dropping zone approximately 30 meters from the firing zone.
  • The area has been checked and is free from obstructions i.e., trees, overhead power cables, and well away from buildings.
  • Suitable secure area for firework storage inaccessible to the public.
  • The firing area was supervised once fireworks were set up. Spectators will not be allowed to enter the site with their fireworks, including sparklers. A sign explaining this will be at all entrances.
  • Spent firework cases were gathered, and the site also checked at first light for partly spent fireworks.

Hazard / Risk

2. Injury caused by a bonfire

  • Inadequate space Collapse
  • Excessive sparks

How can the hazards cause harm?

  • Property damage/fire
  • Burns

Control Measures

  • Separation maintained between bonfire and spectators
  • Built away from the display area and min of 50 ft from any building, road, etc.
  • Undergrowth/rubbish cleared away
  • Keep to a manageable size (2M high, 3M Día)
  • No hazardous materials/refuse used
  • Checked before lighting
  • Always supervised
  • Extinguished after event

Hazard / Risk

3. Use of external companies /contractors

  • Poor practice
  • Lack of competency

How can the hazards cause harm?

  • Property damage/fire
  • Burns
  • Cuts/abrasions, muscular-skeletal, and other physical injuries

Control Measures

  • Vet for competence, operator has good and enough experience with fireworks.
  • Risk assessments were provided.
  • Clearly defined responsibilities for the operator and [Client/contractor/sub-contractor] (in event of an emergency)
  • Appropriate public liability insurance in place (min £5m public liability). The insurer contacted us to ensure adequate coverage and that any special conditions are met.

Hazard / Risk 

4. Adverse weather

How can the hazards cause harm?

  • Property damage/fire
  • Burns
  • Cuts/abrasions, muscular-skeletal, and other physical injuries

Control Measures

  • Test launch of small fireworks to gauge the effect
  • Increase separation from fireworks and bonfires and relocate safety lines/barriers
  • If safe separation cannot be ensured delay/cancel the display

Hazard / Risk 

5. Fire Ignition of premises

  • Small fires

How can the hazards cause harm?

  • Property damage/fire
  • Burns

Control Measures

  • Adequate separation from buildings (see above)
  • Adequate water, sand buckets, etc.
  • Installed and positioned in proper places to allow quick access
  • Review main fire risk assessment
  • Agreed emergency procedure in place and adequate marshals to control the crowd (see below)
  • The local authority, Police, and Fire Brigade have been informed.
  • All staff and volunteers were advised of emergency procedures

Hazard / Risk 

6. Crowd Control/Overcrowding

  • Crush injuries, panic, distress Separation of children from parents
  • Inadequate space/exits
  • Blocked exit routes

How can the hazards cause harm?

  • Fire evacuation
  • Hindered/unsafe access/egress
  • Cuts/abrasions, muscular-skeletal injuries
  • Slips, trips, and falls

Control Measures

  • The maximum number of attendees established limit ticket sales.
  • Designated entrance and exit points.
  • Appropriate numbers of staff / Physical Therapist Assistants (PTA) supervising
  • Marshals are in place and responsible for crowd control. (Identifiable & recognized by wearing fluorescent jackets)
  • Agreed emergency procedures in place.
  • Entrances and exits are signposted, well-lit, and kept free from obstructions.
  • PA/loudspeaker/megaphone used to communicate with the crowd.
  • Walkie-talkies are used by marshals and organizers.
  • Spectators will not be allowed into the display area and signage to this effect is in place.
  • Search for proper advice from the police, if required or necessary, for crowd control.
  • Barriers and adequate supervision to prevent unauthorized use and control access and egress

Hazard / Risk 

7. Insufficient and/or unsuitable first aid cover

How can the hazards cause harm?

  • Accident/injury, delayed assistance in emergency
  • Normal Control Measures
  • First aid equipment is on-site and close to use.
  • Designated qualified first aiders are available.
  • Telephones available in [Client/contractor/sub-contractor/site/facility] / mobile phones available

Hazard / Risk 

8. Surrounding areas /Neighbors

  • How can the hazards cause harm?
  • Fire or smoke issues

Control Measures

The neighbors have been informed of the proposed display by a letter from the head teacher/governors

Hazard / Risk 

9. Security

  • Unauthorized access
  • Inadvertent access

How can the hazards cause harm?

  • Asset and intellectual property losses

Control Measures

  • Areas other than those needed for the event are accessible only to authorized persons.
  • Buildings, apart from essential areas locked. This is checked before and after the display.
  • Clearly defined designated access routes
  • Apply proper protection systems (LOCKS) for the facility or building in areas that are not in use. 
  • Install proper poster/ warning signs and or mark areas as out of restraint.
  • Adequate supervision

Hazard / Risk 

10. Inadequate welfare facilities

  • Severe ill health and biological issues due to improper facilities
  • Normal Control Measures
  • [facility/site’s] toilets are used.
  • Adequate supervision

Hazard / Risk

11. Vehicular access

  • Ineffective pedestrian-vehicle segregation

How can the hazards cause harm?

  • Cuts/abrasions, muscular-skeletal, and other physical injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Significant head / multiple injuries

Control Measures

  • Restricted access, visitors advised accordingly. (Gates shut/ managed by staff)
  • Vehicle movements restricted
  • Pedestrian walkways maintained
  • Clear route maintained for emergency services
  • Assigned vehicle/car park well away from the display area and dropping zone.
  • Vehicle/car park signposted and attendants or contract security personnel in place.

Hazard / Risk

12. surface of the field / internal areas

  • Slips, Trips, and Falls

How can the hazards cause harm?

Cuts/abrasions, muscular-skeletal, and other physical injuries

Control Measures

  • Make sure that all proper and sufficient arrangements are in place for clearing up and safely disposing of any litter left after the event fire displaying event. Make proper housekeeping and disposal of the litter or left out.
  • Regular premises inspections.
  • Adequate external lighting is available

Hazard / Risk

13. Supplying Food and Drink

  • Poor standards of hygiene
  • Physical contamination
  • Incorrect storage of food
  • Poor temperature control

How can the hazards cause harm?

  • Salmonella
  • Listeria
  • Allergies
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Scalds from urns and kettles drinks

Control Measures

  1. Follow the advice given in ‘Food Hygiene advice for teachers, parents, pupils, and classroom assist ants’ 
  2. Personal hygiene
  3. Prohibition or Exclusion for food handlers or food caretakers following illness (approx. 48hrs).
  4. Tie back long hair.
  5. Make sure that all the food handler Staff have sanitized their hands properly before handling or serving food and after visits to the toilet/washrooms etc.
  6. Make sure that enough warm water, soap, and towels (disposable) are easily available.
  7. Cuts etc. are covered with waterproof adhesive dressings

Transport / Storage

  1. Food that requires refrigeration must not be supplied unless adequate facilities for taking it to [site/facility]and keeping it in a chilled state exist.
  2. Don’t store buffets, sandwich fillings, etc. in the fridge for the shortest time.
  3. Keep food covered wherever possible outdoors.
  4. Parents are encouraged to transport food in sealable containers / covered.
  5. Food from reputable suppliers
  6. The [site/facility administration] must not accept food from anywhere they are suspicious about the hygiene in preparation or storage before arrival at the [site/facility] school

Food Handling

  1. Minimize handling of ready-to-eat foods, use tools (cutlery, tongs scoop, etc.) where possible to handle food rather than hands.
  2. High-risk/raw foods are always kept apart
  3. Limit preparation of food in advance if displayed at ambient temperatures.
  4. Make sure that cheesecakes and any cakes or desserts containing cream are out of the fridge for the shortest time possible.
  5. Ensure food is appropriately signed to prevent allergies and anaphylaxis
  6. Ensure urns and kettles are sited on firm-level surfaces, not overfilled.


  1. Frozen food properly thawed before cooking
  2. Meat is kept in a cool box/fridge until needed
  3. Small portions cooked, evenly / thoroughly
  4. Access to hand washing facilities / antiseptic wipes
  5. Keep cooked food separate from raw meat – use separate utensils



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